Kit Robot
G-Bot Nomo STD-U V1.0
G-Bot Nomo is a metal educational robot
DIY platform for kids 8+ to professional
level to learn robotics, programming, AI,
IoT, etc.
Nomo Bot Starter Kit
low cost robot kit based on ESP8266 board for build and learn about robotics , IoT , etc
Nobot AI
This robot is an educational robot designed to support learning through the STEAM Method ( Science , Technology , Art , Math )
Add - On ESP32-Cam
The ESP-32CAM is a small size , low power comsuption camera module based on ESP32. It comes with an OV2640 camera and provides onboard TF card slot
Nomobot Basic Kit
The ESP-32CAM is a small size , low power comsuption camera module based on ESP32. It comes with an OV2640 camera and provides onboard TF card slot